1. Juhua Liang, Q. Yan, C. Xiang, S. Tang, A reaction-diffusion population growth equation with multiple pulse perturbations, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 74, 122-137, 2019.
2. Juhua Liang, S. Tang, R.A. Cheke, A discrete host-parasitoid model with development of pesticide resistance and IPM strategies, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 12, 1059-1078, 2018.
3. Juhua Liang, Y. Zhu, C. Xiang, S. Tang, Travelling waves and paradoxical effects in a discrete-time growth-dispersal model, Appl. Math. Model., 59, 132-146, 2018.
4. S. Tang, X. Tan, J. Yang, Juhua Liang(通讯作者), Periodic Solution Bifurcation and Spiking Dynamics of Impacting Predator–Prey Dynamical Model, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, doi: 10.1142/S021812741850147X, 2018.
5. Juhua Liang, S. Tang, J.J. Nieto, R.A. Cheke, Analytical methods for detecting pesticide switches with evolution of pesticide resistance, Math. Biosci., 245, 249-257, 2013.
6. Juhua Liang, S. Tang, R.A. Cheke, J. Wu, Adaptive release of natural enemies in a pest-natural enemy system with pesticide resistance, Bull. Math. Biol., 75, 2167-2195, 2013.
7. Juhua Liang, S. Tang, R.A. Cheke, J. Wu, Models for determining how many natural enemies to release inoculatively in combinations of biological and chemical control with pesticide resistance, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 422, 1479-1503, 2015.
8. Juhua Liang, S. Tang, R.A. Cheke, Beverton–Holt discrete pest management models with pulsed chemical control and evolution of pesticide resistance, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 36, 327-341, 2016.
9. Juhua Liang, S. Tang, R.A. Cheke, Pure Bt-crop and mixed seed sowing strategies for optimal economic profit in the face of pest resistance to pesticides and Bt-corn, Appl. Math. Comput., 283, 6-21, 2016.
10. Juhua Liang, S. Tang, R.A. Cheke, An IPM model with delayed responses to pesticide applications and its threshold dynamics, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 13, 2352–2374, 2012.
11. Juhua Liang, S. Tang, Optimal dosage and economic threshold of multiple pesticide applications for pest control, Math. Compu. Mod., 51, 487-503, 2010.
12. Juhua Liang, S.Y. Tang, Discrete host-pathogen models with integrated control tactics, Journal of Biomathematics, 23, 193–201, 2008.
13. Shujuan Zhang, Juhua Liang(通讯作者), and Sanyi Tang, Optimal application timing of pest control tactics in nonautonomous pest growth model, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, 1-12.
14. S. Tang, Juhua Liang, Y. Tan, R.A. Cheke, Threshold conditions for integrated pest management models with pesticides that have residual effects, J. Math. Biol., 66, 1-35, 2013.
15. S. Tang, Juhua Liang, Y. Xiao, R.A. Cheke, Sliding bifurcations of Filippov two stage pest control models with economic thresholds, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 72, 1061–1080, 2012.
16. S. Tang, Juhua Liang, Global qualitative analysis of a non-smooth Gause predator–prey model with a refuge, Nonlinear Anal. TMA., 76, 165-180, 2013.
17. Y. Tan, Juhua Liang, S. Tang, The dynamical behavior of Holling I predator-prey model with integrated pest control strategies, I. J. Biomath., 5, 1-17, 2012.