(1) Weijuan Shi, Junhao Shen, Weichen Gu, Minghui Ma, Lp-isometries of Grassmann spaces in factors of type II, Journal of Operator Theory, 87(2) (2022),389-412.
(2) Guoxing Ji, Xia Jiao, Weijuan Shi*, Nonlinear maps preserving semi-Fredholm operators with bounded nullity, 46(7) (2023), 1415–1421.
(3) Xinrong Jia, Weijuan Shi*, Guoxing Ji, Maps preserving the truncation of products of operators, 13, (2022) 40.
(4) Ruihan Zhang, Weijuan Shi*, Guoxing Ji, Additive mappings preserving Fredholm operators with fixed nullity or defect, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 41(5) (2021), 1670–1678.
(5) Weijuan Shi, Guoxing Ji, Additive maps preserving semi-Fredholm operators with bounded ascent on B(X), Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 96(3-4)(2020), 259–279.
(6) Weijuan Shi, Guoxing Ji, Anti-selfadjoint operators as commutators of projections, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 478(2019), 539–559.
(7) Weijuan Shi, Topological uniform descent and compact perturbations, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 113(2019), 2221–2233.
(8) Yanni Dou, Weijuan Shi, Miaomiao Cui, Hongke Du, General explicit descriptions for interwining operators and direct rotations of two orthogonal projections, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 531(2017), 575–591.
(9) 张欣培, 史维娟, 吉国兴, von Neumann代数中的*-偏序, 数学学报, 60(1)(2017), 19–30.
(10) Weijuan Shi, Guoxing Ji, Hongke Du, Pairs of orthogonal projections with a fixed difference, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 489(2)(2016), 288–297.
(11) Weijuan Shi, Guoxing Ji, Additive mapping preserving m-normal elgenvalues on B(H), Operators and Matrices, 10(2)(2016), 379–387.
(12) Weijuan Shi, Guoxing Ji, Additive maps preserving the semi-Fredholm domain in spectrum, Annals of Functional Analysis, 7(2)(2016), 254–260.
(13) Weijuan Shi, Xiaohong Cao, Weyl’s theorem for the square of operator and perturbations, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 17(5)(2015), 1450042.
(14) Weijuan Shi, Xiaohong Cao, Property (W) and its perturbations, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 30(5)(2014), 797–804.